Social Media Marketing for Local Business
The advent of social media marketing is a huge advantage toe the local small and mid-size company. The leverage for most local businesses, attained by social media channels, can boost the business in eight ways.
8 Benefits of Local Business Social Media Marketing
- Readily available methods to establish and boost brand
- Opportunity to position and promote the brand authority of local business owners
- Establish networking relationships with other experts and authorities in the chosen niche
- Generate followers and lead-building opportunities
- Use social media advertising in an affordable, budget controlled, application
- Provide the opportunity for a higher level of customer engagement and service
- Judiciously promote products and services
Let’s review each of these through the eyes of the local business.
Build Local Company Brand
The usual path for local businesses to establish their brand generally falls into one of several categories.
- The business is a franchise and can leverage the “brand authority” that may be established by the franchisor
- Paid advertising through local media such as newspapers, directories, local periodicals, and perhaps radio and television
- Word of mouth from satisfied customers
These methods can be effective no doubt. Many local businesses are not franchisees. For those who are, you become very dependent on the continued promotion of the Franchisor. If they fall out of favor it would have a direct effect on the local franchisee.
Local media advertising can be very effective but is expensive and tends to reach far wider than the customers to be targeted. You may be paying for reach that is too broad.
By far the long-term best standard method is word-of-mouth. Nothing recommends your company better than a positive note from a satisfied customer to someone in their own network of friends and acquaintances. Our company, M4 Digital Marketing, is located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in our more local area east of Newtown, Ohio, there are both a number of new businesses being opened and a resurgence of existing businesses. These situations are exactly the opportunity for social media marketing to expand and boost their local business opportunities. It is like that in almost every community today.
Imagine the brand-building benefits of social media when applied properly. You will still have the advantage of word of mouth and now provide a much easier and more frequent opportunity. You will generate followers who not only may become potential customers but will add to your brand promotion through the sharing available on social media accounts. Social media advertising can be affordable and measurable to the extent of constantly refining your ads and results.
“73% of people in the 18- to 34-year-old segment want to see a business owner’s photo with the company’s history on its website. 63% of people 55 and older feel that the owner’s photo and company’s story is important.” (Source: Small Biz |
By far the most important advantage afforded by this form of media advertising is the ability to target much more precisely the audience who see your ads.
Promoting Authority with Social Media Channels
Most local small and mid-size businesses have specific knowledge and expertise in their products and services. They are in a position to establish and promote their reputations for this knowledge and experience. Social media becomes an enabler that will allow a local business to project their expertise, particularly in their primary geographic target market. This promotion can take the form of connecting to articles, guides and white papers on their business website by promotion on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Networking and Authority Building
Source / Pixabay /by Simon & geralt / CCO
The expertise within the local company can leverage social media to grow their network and connections with other authorities and industry-specific experts. This has the effect of enhancing and growing their reputation and authority. People will begin to seek information and ideas from awareness of the authority for a given business utilizing local business marketing.
Expanding the local businesses’ network with other experts (non-competitors) not only brings forth their expertise but allows them to begin a process of what is called “influencer marketing”. Large companies with more regional and global markets have implemented this strategy by having celebrities and nationally recognized authorities speak for their companies through advertising and programming.
Local companies can implement a similar strategy but without the expense. Once a growing list of authorities in their target market are established, the local business can use “guest blogging”, providing an article of interest to the other expert for their website. This opens the door for that expert’s followers to be connected to the local business author and their brand and reach expand.
Lead Generation Opportunities with Social Media
Certainly one of the most powerful local business aspects of social media marketing and outreach is the opportunity to uncover and attract new qualified leads for their business. The use of social media channels to grow followers and create the kind of information value afforded by the connection of social media to a business website generates opportunities. As the reach of a local business’s social media followers grows, the opportunity for people to share and recommend content to others creating that desired “viral chain” is a core functionality of social media accounts.
Facebook and Social Media Advertising
It is relevant to remember that the way social media channels make money is via paid advertising. Take Facebook advertising as an example. You have two primary opportunities that are ideally suited to local small and mid-size businesses.
1. the ability to specifically target advertisements to a specific set of audience demographics dialed into as close to the ideal potential customer as possible has unparalleled advantages over broader and more expensive traditional forms of advertising.
2. The local business can absolutely control the amount of ad spend. There are various choices of what the business chooses to use in their target ads, such as pay-per-click or pay-per-action and a daily budget as low as $5 can be set for as many days as desired and stopped at will by the local business.
3. Tracking results is built into these social media ads on Facebook and most of the social media channels. The results of the ads are readily tracked. This allows the business to evaluate its ad campaign, stop it to make changes, and then re-start it after making changes and improvements.
Customer Service Opportunities on Social Media
The local business has an ideal opportunity to utilize their social media channels to provide a higher level of customer service. Questions and problems can be addressed there. Others see the responsiveness and benefit from the solutions and ideas presented to the service outreach of other followers. The business can be proactive in building customer relations by a purposeful utilization of its media channels.
Promoting Products and Services on Social Media Channels
We have discussed the use of advertising on these media channels but the free use o social media to advance announcements of new products or services, and create campaigns or contests can open sales opportunities.
The key here is to keep the self-promotion activities on social media in balance. Industry experts suggest that 75% of social media posts should be valuable content for visitors and 25% commercial promotion. This seems a fair and balanced ratio to strike.
Source / Pew Research Center / from BI Intelligence
Linked in for Business Marketing
The social media channel Linkedin is very much associated with business marketing specifically business – to-business.
Studies show that 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn, and 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content. (Source:
We found a very good reference for building a specific marketing plan with Linkedin and shared it here for your review.
As you can see, the use of social media marketing and the leverage it provides to the affordability and ease of use for the local small and mid-size companies has become just the edge they need to compete and be noticed. For our part at M4 Digital Marketing, we believe in it as a primary marketing tool for local businesses.